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How Security Guard Jobs and Customer Service Go Hand in Hand

The basic role of a security guard is to help protect. However, most security guard jobs entail a lot more than just looking into space to make sure everyone stays safe. In many ways a security guard job and customer service go hand in hand. Taking a closer look at customer service will help you understand how security guard jobs fit in there as well.

Customer Service Think Tank hosted by Dell

Customer Service Think Tank hosted by Dell (Photo credit: Dell’s Official Flickr Page)

Putting Customers First

When it comes to protecting a property or person it is always about the customer. Your job is to make sure customers stay safe and that no harm comes to them. Along the way, you might find yourself chatting with customers and asking them how they are. There is just something about customers knowing they are protected that makes them feel more relaxed.

Listening to Others

A major part of customer service is listening to the customer. During your shift you might need to talk to several people about their experiences or encounters. Listening is a major skill you will need to have in order to be successful in your job. The better you can listen then the better you can serve those around you.

Problem Solving

Security guards run into some interesting scenarios. You may be asked to call the police for further investigation. You also may be asked to report what happened. There may be a point where you have to listen to several different “customers” at once. Your problem solving skills will come in handy at this point.

Communicating with Others

Communication comes in handy with clients and with other coworkers. If you can communicate effectively and clearly, then you will be great at your job. Communication becomes a vital part of your job because it helps people do their job faster. For example; if someone is hurt and they need help right away, you can use your (customer service) and communicating skills to help get them the help they need.

Security Guards and Customer Service

When you have a job in the security guard sector, you have to be prepared with customer service skills. These skills include listening, communicating, and problem solving. Sometimes a customer might need help with something such as, reporting a stolen car or unlocking the keys out of their car. The customer might be upset and talking quickly while they are reporting an incident to you. At that point it will be you responsibility to try and decipher what they are saying.

In the News: Security Guard Shot at Family Research Council’s D.C. Headquarters

This isn’t the first time you’ve likely seen a headline like this and it likely won’t be the last. The fact is that security guards put their lives on the line every day to protect people and places and things. They do a very important job and they take on a lot of risk in order to do their job well.

On August 15th, Reuters announced a story about a security guard that had been shot while on duty while working for a conservative Christian lobbing group, the Family Research Council.

A gunman wounded a security guard on Wednesday at the headquarters of Family Research Council, a conservative Christian lobbying group, police said.

The male guard was shot in the arm when he confronted the gunman in the lobby of the building in downtown Washington, a police spokesman said. (The National Post)

How Can You Avoid Being Shot?

So the big question is, if you’re a security guard, how can you avoid being shot while protecting people, places, and things on the job? It’s not completely out of your hands.

Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Be extra aware at entry and exit points. Entry and exit points are often dangerous because your scope of vision is minimal. You can only see what is directly outside the door and if it is dark you might not be able to see much farther that the entry or exit way. Go slow and listen carefully. Trust your instincts as they are often right. Look for things that might be out of place and suggest that someone might have been there recently if you are familiar with the area. Use all of your senses and be extra careful.
  2. Be ready to diffuse public disturbances and be aware of the body signals and behaviors that people around you are displaying. Is there someone that looks especially nervous? Is someone playing with something in their pocket? Keep alert and watch other people that are in the vicinity.
  3. Wear protective body armor if possible. If you are in a situation that is more dangerous than usual, it would not be out of line to ask your employer to provide a bullet proof vest for that occasion.
  4. Never let your mind wander. Many of the incidences that involve the shooting of a security guard have happened when the security guard was caught unawares.

More Qualities of a Good Security Guard Training Course

If you are interested in working in the security guard field, then you will need some sort of training. Maybe you already have your training, but you are looking for ways to improve your performance. Searching for the right course will be difficult, unless you find a course that has good qualities. Here are good qualities of a security guard training course:

The Course is Affordable

One quality of a good security guard training course is that it’s affordable. Of course there are expensive courses out there that are also effective. The idea behind providing an affordable course is that you do not want them to rip you off. They should not be offering promises that they cannot keep. Such as, you are guaranteed to find the job of your dreams after you finish this course.

Career path

Career path (Photo credit: highwind012)

The Course is Taught by a Certified Instructor

With the Internet these days anyone can claim to be someone that they are not. When you sign up for a real life course or an over the web security guard training course, you will want to make sure the course is taught by a certified instructor. The course should be taught by someone who has education and experience in the security guard field. After all, you are trying to better your life and career by learning from them.

The Course Offers Meat and Potatoes

One great quality of a security guard course is that it’s not afraid to tell you the ins-and-outs of the job. When you graduate from the class, you should be able to apply the information to your job. The course does not just lightly touch on the subject of working as a security guard. A quality course would teach you things like:

  • Leadership and Management
  • Advanced Security Guard Concepts
  • Ways to Protect Yourself and Those Around You
  • Basics of Starting a Security Guard Career

Finding the right course to teach you about working as a security guard could make or break your career. What they teach you in that course will guide you throughout your career. Make sure the instructors are properly trained and that they are teaching relevant information to you as a student. Avoid the courses that promise you the universe. Just like any other career, you need to take the time to learn everything about it before you embark on the journey. Stick with finding these qualities in your security guard training course and you will be more than satisfied.

How to Write a Resume for a Security Guard Job When You Have No Experience

Starting a new career can be scary. If you are about to start searching for a security guard job, but do not have any experience, you can still put together a sharp resume. The first step to starting a resume is realizing you need one that is catered to the security guard world. Here is how you can write a resume for a security guard job when you have no experience:

#1. Write out your objective.

Objectives are very important to any position you are applying for. Be concise and clear about the security guard position you are trying to obtain. Use words that show you are serious about getting the job and keeping it.


resume (Photo credit: jamacdonald)

#2. Explain your education.

If you just graduated with a relevant degree, but have no experience in your field it can still work to your advantage. Be very clear on the education you do have and what you learned during your time in school. Some security guard jobs demand that you have some sort of education and that might be enough to help you get your foot in the door.

#3. Talk about your experience in other jobs.

Sometimes employers are willing to do the training if you are the right person for the job. A potential employer can also tell a lot by just looking at your work history and experience. Never think that your previous work history is not relevant to the position you are applying for.

#4. Never stretch the truth.

If you lie on your resume and an employer finds out about it, then you can get fired on the spot. Just be honest about not having any experience in the field. Believe it or not but some companies will take a chance with you and train you. In fact, sometimes it works out in their favor because they can train you how they want. The company does not have to worry about habits or ideas you picked up from other security jobs.


Not having experience as a security guard is not the end of the world. You will never get experience if you do not start somewhere. That’s why it’s important to apply to new jobs, even if you are nervous about your qualifications. Entry-level positions do still exist. Maybe you will get hired and spend the majority of your career working with the company who hired you without any experience.

What Kind of Equipment do Security Guards Need?

Security guards have a tough job. They are in charge of the safety of people and property and those are big shoes to fill. Of course some of the best equipment security guards need is naturally attached. Some of that equipment includes sharp vision and a brain to think quickly with. For those of you who are interested in a security job, you might find the following pieces of equipment helpful:

The Right Footwear

No one can stand on their feet for hours without the right type of footwear. Your employer might require you to where a certain type of footwear, but if they do not then you will want to go with the best quality and comfort available. In case you need to chase someone down, you do not want to have really heavy work boots. Picking out the right pair of shoes will not only help you feel more comfortable, but they will also make you look more professional as well.

Comfortable Clothing

As a security guard you may be asked to wear a special uniform. However, if you can choose your own then you will want to go for comfort. Lightweight clothing always helps you to feel more comfortable. You may spend a lot of time standing outside or riding around in a vehicle. In order to choose the right clothing you will want to know where you’ll be spending the most time. You also want to dress professionally because this is a serious job and you want people to take you seriously.

English: A flashlight Svenska: Ficklampa

English: A flashlight Svenska: Ficklampa (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Various Tools

A security guard will come into contact with some interesting situations. If you work late at night, you will want to be prepared with a very durable flashlight. A lot of security guards where belts to help them hold their tools as well. Picking out the right security guard belt might be a challenge, depending on your height and weight. Other tools you might consider carrying with you would be a pen and piece of paper to write down notes. A cell phone or walkie-talkie is also necessary in case you run into some trouble.


The truth is that as a security guard, you will have a very challenging job. You want to have the right tools so that you are prepared in any circumstance. The company you choose to work for might provide various tools for you or you might be required to purchase them on your own.

Security Guard Resumes – What to Include: Part 2

In a previous security guard resume post the objectives and skill sets were talked about. It’s vital to include those in your security guard resume, but experience and education are also important. Some wonder why they need to include this information in their resume. One of the main reasons is that it gives the potential employer more insight into how you can benefit their company. Here are areas to include in your security guard resume:


The reason most people get an education is to get a better paying position later down the reason. They also go to school to work in a field that they love and want to spend the rest of their life doing. Those of you who wish to get a security job may need to show that you have spent some time getting an education. If you do have an education, then you probably want to know how to include it in your resume.

If you have just graduated from college, then you will want to be specific about the degree and its location:

New Jersey College — Newark, New Jersey
BS in Economics, Minor in Psychology, June 1992

Those who have finished high school classes, but no college classes will still want to make sure that information is on their resume. Most experts will tell you to remove the high school credentials if you went onto graduate or attend college. It’s collective information that you have to graduate high school in order to attend college.


Experience is one of the most important details on your security guard resume. Some potential employers look at experience more so than education. It really depends on the job and where you are applying. Work history is important to include as well because that is where you got most of your security guard experience. Most employers are not interested in a job description, but they do want to know how you helped the company. Remember a company is interested in hiring you as their security guard because you will be an asset to their company.


On a resume, one of the number one mistakes is trying to sound super professional. Make sure your resume is easy to read with the proper font and font size. This helps the person reading your resume. You want to have a healthy balance between sounding like a real person and a professional.


These are great tips to make sure you have the best security guard resume possible for the next position you apply for. Keep it simple, but also be original. Remember, employers read hundreds of resumes each week. Will yours be the one that stands out?

What You Should Know About Being a Nightclub Security Guard

To some, being a nightclub security guard may sound like an excuse to party, while for others, it may sound like the bottom of the barrel type of job. Either way, no matter the stigma put upon the job title, the position is a crucial key to the safety of any nightclub. Every single night at any nightclub is not perfect, though you may not notice it. Through the diligence and proper training of nightclub security guards, they ensure that a patron of any nightclub establishment, never sees or hears any commotion.
If you are interested in becoming a nightclub security guard, there are a few things you should know. You should also understand it is not only about having muscles and putting on a shirt that says bouncer; it takes much more than that.

English: Aero Bar in Miami Beach, FL

English: Aero Bar in Miami Beach, FL (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Stereotype
Nightclub security guards often have a stereotype placed upon them. Many believe that all nightclub security guards and bouncers are all muscle bound rejects from some other career venture. Careers like wrestling, pro-football and weight lifting are commonly associated with the stereotype of a nightclub security guard. While they may look like they lift weights, have played pro ball or even wrestled, it is generally nothing more than a stereotype placed upon these security guards.

Proper training is the most crucial aspect of this job. It is more than muscles and mean looks.  A nightclub security officer must be properly trained to handle any situation they may encounter. Poorly trained security personnel can take a bad situation to worse and quickly. It is imperative that anyone working with the public understand the rules, regulations and how to control their strengths and weaknesses. Training is also important in order to understand legal boundaries when on the job. There are many fine lines that can not be crossed when it comes to being a nightclub security officer. Proper training is highly recommended to protect security guards and the public.

Dealing with the Public
You can be the most outgoing person and still not fully grasp how you should conduct yourself as a nightclub security guard. Making friends with club goers and goofing off is not what you are there to get paid to do. It is also not as easy dealing with club goers as one might think. When you mix, loud music, alcohol and other instigators, you are mixing a recipe for possible disaster. You have to learn to read body language as a security guard. Many people do not realize what they are saying or doing when alcohol is involved and it is up to nightclub security to maintain a diligent eye on the entire club as guests are having a good time. Everyone’s safety is in your hands.

How Important are Communication Skills in Security Guard Jobs

Being a security guard for any kind of day or night time job requires more than just walking around and making sure things or parameters are safe and clear. Communication skills are an important part of the job. As a security guard you have to learn how to communicate orders and follow protocol given and to follow the specifications of your security job.

Communicating with others who you will come in contact with can be another reason you should know how to express commands or instructions to follow if a variety of different situations. You will need to follow the procedures and policies of the company you work for and sometimes you will need to explain those policies to other people.

Some companies will require you to come in contact with various different people. People like contractors, customers and sometimes the owner of a company will be among those you will need to interact with on a regular basis. These situations are usually unannounced and unpredictable.

It is crucial that a security guard’s communication skills be up to par prior to starting any job. Your communication skills will have to be very sharp. If lack of communication skills is present, it is possible to not only lose your current position, but you may lose the opportunity to take on other work as a security guard.

Not only are communications important when it comes to dealing with contractors, customers or owners, but communication is key when it comes to your co-workers as well. In many instances, you will find yourself working with someone or communicating with your shift relief. This way your position is known and you’re safe at the same time. It is important to relay key information to your partner and/or shift relief while on duty. Other security guards need to know your whereabouts and your findings in order to properly do their job as well.

If you lack in communication your security guard job can become hard and even impossible to do. You have to know how to communicate with others so that the job can be done properly and safely. Reports must get completed for the next shift and also for the company you’re securing. You must know how to fill out your reports with exact time and locations you’ve completed your daily or nightly security tasks.

Communication skills are not only limited to verbal, but written communication skills are imperative too. The key to safely securing any site that you are guarding is communication. Ensure that you have the right communication skills for the job.

What You Should Know Before Applying for Private Security Guard Jobs

Our personal security guard chatting with anot...

Our personal security guard chatting with another security guard (Photo credit: DΕΠΠΙS)

Private security jobs are often the most sought after sectors in the security business. They can also be the more dangerous of all due to the high profile of some clients. Private security jobs cover a wide variety of things ranging from valuable objects to high profile people. Shifts can vary tremendously as well, pending the company or individual hiring a guard. The private security guard has to meet extensive qualifications prior to obtaining a job.

Pending the company or individual that a private security guard is employed by, education requirements may differ. No matter the sector, a high school diploma or equivalent is required to obtain or secure a position. Some companies may require a certificate or degree in law enforcement or criminal justice from an educational institution, college or vocational program. Further education may be required if the position requires a guard to be armed.

While there are many jobs that will offer on-the-job training, a private security guard is generally trained prior to securing work. Each company or individual varies in their training requirements. Training may include but is not limited to, how to use a surveillance system, use of a fire arm, reporting of incidents, how to deal with angry people you come in contact with, how to handle various situations and how to work with law enforcement. In addition to all general training, you will be trained by an employer to conform to their expectations.

Federal regulations require a guard to complete various hours of specified training prior to the first day on the job, if they possess no law enforcement experience. 8 hours of basic security training, 16 hours of on-the-job training and 47 hours of fire arm training are required for armed guards.

Background Check
Prior to any training, a background check must be completed. The background checks are exhaustive processes and are extremely extensive. FBI fingerprinting and DNA testing may also be completed prior to obtaining a permit, license or certificate of any kind. Mental evaluations are also part of the background check process. No prior or pending felony convictions are acceptable.

Each state and employer will require different information about an applicant. They will also require and provide various areas of training. It is important to research the state requirements for which you want to work. In general, all applicants must be 18 years of age or older. Prior law enforcement experience is helpful.

Security Guard Resumes – What to Include: Part 1

If you are interested in finding a security guard position, you will want to have the best resume possible. When applying for security guard jobs the resume process is a little different than just applying for any old job. The potential employer wants to know specifics about your experience and how you can benefit their company. Those who choose to write their own resume will want to include the following in their security guard resume:

Include the Objective:


resumes (Photo credit: realisticresumes)

Some people have no idea as to why objectives are included in resumes. This part of the resume actually has a specific purpose, especially for those applying for a security guard position. An objective tells the potential employer that you have a goal in mind. Also, it’s wise to do a custom objective for each security guard position you apply for. Here is an example objective that you may use on your resume.

  • Seeking a security guard position with XYZ Company, where I can maximize my experience and education in this field.

As you can see, an objective is very simply, but shows the employer that you have goals in mind when it comes to utilizing your skills.

Include the Skills:

You have spent many minutes, months, and years working as a security guard and gaining many different skill sets. Depending on which security job you are applying for different skill sets will come in handy. For example: A security company is seeking a security guard who has management skills. If you have previous management experience as a skill, then that is something you will want to mention on your resume. The skills section is your section to show off and shine.

Be Concise and To the Point

When a security guard position is being filled there are hundreds of resumes for management to look over. One key point to include in your resume is to always be concise and to the point. Some job seekers fill their resume with irrelevant information that only clutters the page. Be intentional with every piece of information you are placing on your resume, especially with your objectives and skill sets.

Ask for a Second Opinion

Did you write your resume or have someone else complete it for you? Always have a second person look it over for mistakes and errors. You can look at your resume 5,000 times and miss the same mistake. That is why having someone else look over your resume can help save you a bit of embarrassment and help keep you on the job scoring path.