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Online Security Guard Training and Career Center
Welcome to Security Guard Training Headquarters! We have everything you need to make your life easier as you begin your career as a security guard officer. State specific training requirements, a step-by-step hiring process, potential employers and interviews to help you get hired are just some of the helpful things you'll find here.

Top 10 Cities Hiring Security Guards Now
Security positions are perfect for individuals looking for flexible working hours and attention to detail. Candidates range from new entry-level job seekers to former police officers and veterans, and the top cities for this type of employment are listed first. Here’s a tip: when looking for jobs in the security field, look for areas with […]
Requirement for Becoming a Security Guard in New York City
New York City-It’s been said if you can make it here you can make it anywhere. You can also ‘make it’ in the security profession. The security field can be a rewarding as well as exciting one; you get to deal with people and socially interact with them, you also have the opportunity to make […]
How to write a great security guard cover letter
Each year there are different strategies to use for applying for work in security. It doesn’t matter what the field or industry. Employers searching for security guards want to see cover letters and resumes that are both concise and informative. These are documents that serve as an introduction to employers and interviewers. The information provided […]
How to Write a Detailed Incident Report
Writing incident reports are an important part of most security guard jobs. You need to be able to communicate well with your writing. That means that you must use proper spelling and grammar – no text-speak or Internet language allowed! Incident reports at some companies might be “confidential” but you should assume that at the […]
How to Handle Yourself as a Security Guard Under Pressure
Every security guard comes under pressure at some point in time. It might be pressure to do better at your job, to get a raise, or to eliminate behaviors at the job site. No matter what kind of pressure you are under, you need to learn how to manage it so that it does not […]
Four Reasons you Should Continue Your Training to Become an Armed Guard?
Some people are happy when they fulfill the requirements to become a security guard, that they do not continue their education. Additional training and education is available so that you can further your career. Why not try to excel in your career? Becoming an armed guard carries a few perks in the field of security. […]
What You Should Know About Being a Security Guard in a Prison
In the world of security guard jobs, being a prison guard is one of the most challenging types of jobs. It is not easy by any means so you should first consider what the job entails before you start putting in your applications. One of the most important parts of the job of a prison […]