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Online Security Guard Training and Career Center
Welcome to Security Guard Training Headquarters! We have everything you need to make your life easier as you begin your career as a security guard officer. State specific training requirements, a step-by-step hiring process, potential employers and interviews to help you get hired are just some of the helpful things you'll find here.
Will There Always be Jobs for Security Guards?
Will Technology Affect the Future in Security Jobs?
Nowadays there are so many jobs being eliminated by technology. Technology has hit the security guard field as well with security scanners, and surveillance cameras. That has eliminated a few positions along the way, but people will always be needed in security.
There are a lot of things that a security guard does in the place of employment that could never be fulfilled by a computer. Therefore, there is no possibility that security guards will be replaced. There will always be a need for security guards. Computers and electronics are not a threat to a future job in security.
Will Security Jobs be Outsourced Overseas?
Other careers are being jeopardized by being sent overseas, again security guards do not have to worry about this happening to their jobs. People will always need to hire a live person to secure the premises. A security camera can only make the job a little easier, but someone will need to be there to stop whatever is being done such as theft, vandalism, or arson.
How Can I be Sure Becoming a Security Guard will be an Option in the Future?
Investing your time to become a security guard will always be well worth the effort. Jobs will always be available, and security guards always be needed. Whether guarding a specific person, a business establishment, or a single item; a security guard will always need to be a real person.
With new businesses opening up all the time, there is always a need for more security. Security is always a top priority in businesses in which theft, or vandalism can occur. There will always be retail establishments, hotels, apartment buildings, or government facilities that need to be secure and guarded. The jobs for a security guard are such a broad range of diversity, that jobs are endless.
As people retire, more jobs become available for additional security guards all the time. It is forecasted that jobs in security will continue to grow moderately through the next ten years. This shows that the future as a security guard is secure.
If you are a high school student considering a future career in security, or an adult seeking a career change, there is a future with becoming a security guard. Further your education, go onto training, and become a security guard you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. As with any profession, the more training and schooling you have in any particular field will always help you to succeed. Continue your education and training so that you can continue to excel in the field of being a security guard. The more education and training you have, the easier it will become to find employment.
There will always be a need for security guards. Crime is constant and national security is always increasing.