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Welcome to Security Guard Training Headquarters! We have everything you need to make your life easier as you begin your career as a security guard officer. State specific training requirements, a step-by-step hiring process, potential employers and interviews to help you get hired are just some of the helpful things you'll find here.

Armed Security Guard Training in North Carolina
In North Carolina, registration is required for all armed security guards. An armed security guard can only carry a firearm once granted a firearms permit by the Board.
Basic requirements for an armed security guard in North Carolina:
- Must be at least 21 years old
- United States citizen or resident alien
- No felony convictions or misdemeanors associated with violence (which includes domestic), drugs ( use or sale), theft or fraud in the last 5 years
- Good moral character
- Submit (2) recent passport type photo (one inch by one inch)
- Submit fingerprint cards (2)
- Certified copy of criminal background history for the last 48 months
- Successfully complete department approved training within 30 days of hire
- Employee of a private security company and under supervision from a licensed patrol officer
- North Carolina driver’s license
- Good physical conditioning
- Must complete 16 hours of training for unarmed security guard
Additional Training
In addition to the basic security guard training listed above, an armed security in North Carolina must successfully complete four hours of additional classroom training.
- Powers and authority for the use of handguns
- Legal Limitations
- Hand gun safety and maintenance
- Firing range and Procedure
Additional Requirements:
- Must receive a passing score for firing your weapon
- Continuing Education courses annually
Firearm Registration
An armed security guard in North Carolina received a pocket card issued by the Board, which identifies the armed guard and the security company that he or she works for. This registration card is good for one year and must be renewed annually as long as you are still employed.
For more information, please see the North Carolina General Statues 74C-13 or call 919 431-300. The North Carolina Department of Public Safety also has information on Unarmed Guard Trainer Courses and Firearms Trainer Courses.
I would like info on becoming registered to be a security officer in nc
Would like info on where to take the proper courses for nc armed guard training
I want to be a armed secutiy guard in NC. I see all the requirments in all these websites, but nothing tells me how to start my license, or apply for submitting any paper work. Where or how do I get started, give me a link, or address, or website, phone number, or something. Thanks!
you will get all that information when you apply for a position
Hello, do you know if there is a place in North Carolina’s Triangle area where I can get my Armed Certification? How much is it, and when do I start?
i am i lic guard but if i wont to carry and be armed can i do that on my own and what will i have to pay for the class and the paper work.i have took the class to carry on my on for a conceled and i have that. but just need to know what i have to do to start thisand what all the coast is befor i start so i will know i have all ready took the 16 hrs to be a guard. thank you for your time.timothy hendricks
Where, went and who does the training. Any course schedules, dates and cost.
Thank you
Jeff Meredith
When, where, and how do i go about getting the informaion i need to do this course. Also i need to know the cost. I am already a security officer, i want my armed permit as well.
How do I go about starting classes to get my armed License permit and what will it cost
What is the requirements to be a firearms instructor for a security officer
What will I need to do to become a board-certified armed security guard instructor in North Carolina, and where will i need to go get the training?
Who do I contact to get into a class to get my armed security guard license?