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Welcome to Security Guard Training Headquarters! We have everything you need to make your life easier as you begin your career as a security guard officer. State specific training requirements, a step-by-step hiring process, potential employers and interviews to help you get hired are just some of the helpful things you'll find here.

Armed Security Guard Training in Missouri
In Missouri, there are no requirements in place to become an armed security guard on the state level. However, there may be some requirements to carry a firearm on the city and county levels in which case you must contact the local City Clerk’s office. The hiring company may also have criteria that you must meet.
Basic Requirements for an Armed Security Guard in Missouri:
- Must be at least 21 years old
- United States citizen or registered resident alien
- Successfully passing a background check which may include drug testing
- Missouri state driver’s License
- Good physical conditioning
- No mental instability
- No drug use or dependency
- No acts of fraud or convictions
Conducted by the hiring agency, training may include but is not limited to the following:
- The role of private security
- Legal Aspects
- Patrol and Observation
- Incident Response
- Surveillance operation and documentation
- Working with and addressing the public
- First Aid Overview & CPR
Weapons Training & Permit
Depending on the area that you are applying, the requirements will vary. To determine if that refers to armed security guards in Missouri you should contact the hiring security company or your local county or city police department. However, basic requirements may be as follows:
- Weapon permit
- Proof of firearms training and safety from certified instructor
For more information see the Metropolitan Police Department – City of St. Louis, Missouri – Private Security licensing requirements, licensing categories, and FAQ about private security here.
In addition, the city of Columbia, Missouri, has it’s own Armed Guard and Security Guard Licenses available through their official website.
[…] Armed Security Guard Training in Missouri | Security Guard Training – Your Security Guard Training R… Basic Requirements for an Armed Security Guard in Missouri: Must be at least 21 years old United States citizen or registered resident alien Successfully passing a background check which may include drug testing Missouri state driver’s License Good physical conditioning No mental instability No drug use or dependency No acts of fraud or convictions I had a bad two and a half years where I had been mentally ill, but we saw a doctor and put me on risperdol (anti-psychotic) and prozac (anti-depressant). I am wondering if because I did have a mental illness, but nothing that caused me to get caught up in the criminal justice system or have court mandated treatment, if I might not qualify for armed security guard. I must say that since I take those medicines on a regular basis Im pretty level headed and a clear, concise, thinker. They also qualify as drugs, but they aren't the type that you would abuse. I can pass a drug test no problem. I drink alcohol on a pretty regular basis but never on the job. My physical conditioning could use some work. I have a drivers license and a reliable form of transportation (a miata :P) Also I had a DWI, but I think that was suspended imposition of sentence in that I completed my probation, and as long as I don't get anymore it won't count as a conviction. What do you guys think? Some of you are probably more familiar with this line of work. I really hope I could qualify, because my whole major that I am almost finished with is based around passing these types of background checks. Reply With Quote + Reply to Thread « Previous Thread | Next Thread » […]
if you have to explain your question in such detail. You already know the answer is no you can’t be armed.
I am looking at doing security at events for my boss . And wondering what I have to have and to be arned. I’ve already takin my ccw coarse. Any info would be helpful
I am currently a Prduction supervior and have an uniterupted Supervisory career for the past 30+ years. I have also worked a few 2nd jobs as an unarmed secuirity officer over the past several years.
I am 59 yrs. old and whish to get out of Production. I enjoyed my Secuirty jobs and would like to pursue a Armed Security carreer for my remaining years of work. I am a gun advicate and have had my Mo. CCW since it became leagual in MO.
My son is a 10+ year police officer and my daughter is a 12+ yr. Parametic.
I also hope to give back to the comutity or public.
I’m from California and looking to move out of the state. Both my armed and unarmed cards are current. Is there anyway I could take an abbreviated class to transfer my licenses, or would I have to take both classes in their entirety?
Hello my name is Andrew and I’m interested in getting a armed security license. I have a few questions on getting started, how long it takes, and cost, as well as a few of the things. If someone wouldn’t mind getting a hold of me I’d appreciate it
I’m trying to get license in the state of Missouri as a Armed security officer