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Welcome to Security Guard Training Headquarters! We have everything you need to make your life easier as you begin your career as a security guard officer. State specific training requirements, a step-by-step hiring process, potential employers and interviews to help you get hired are just some of the helpful things you'll find here.

Armed Security Guard Training in Louisiana
To become licensed as an armed security guard in Louisiana, you must successfully complete the training requirements for a security guard and additional firearms training, according to the Louisiana State Board of Private Security Examiners. That license is only good for the security company that hires you, and cannot be carried to another company. However, your training will transfer to another company but you will have to go through the licensing process again if changing companies.
Minimum Requirements
- Must be at least 21 years old
- State issued driver’s license
- Valid social security card
- Submit to finger printing
- Submit passport photo
- Complete (2) 8-hour trainings
- The first 8-hour course is about the contract security company.
- Classroom training can be administered by the hiring company or through Louisiana State Board of Private Security Examiners.
Basic Training Curriculum
A basic training conducted may include but is not limited to the following:
- Role of Private Security
- Legal Aspects
- Patrol and Observation
- Incident Response
- Security Resources: Surveillance operation and documentation
- Customer Service Issues: Working with and addressing the public
- First Aid Overview
Firearms Training Requirements:
Firearms training must be conducted by a state licensed instructor and must be completed before assigned a post. In addition, you must train with the weapon you will be armed with at your post. If your weapon changes at any time, you must retrain for that particular weapon.
- Application fee $40
- Fingerprinting $55.25 (This includes state and FBI check)
For more information, please read the Louisiana State Board of Private Security Examiner’s FAQ or call (888) 446-9436.
If I have a security guard license in New York but I’m currently living in Louisiana do I have to change it to get employment?
i am moving to your state from va i have been doing armed security for over 13 years need information before i move down there please contact me back
I need an armed security license in LA. I have had an active and valid armed license in TX. for the past 5 years. How would I go about obtaining one in LA.?
My name is Danny Zanelotti. I have been a Bodyguard for the past 12 years, and I am looking to switch to the instructor side to help share my experience and training.
I have already submitted my packet to the Louisiana Board of Private Security Examiners and am waiting to schedule my exam for my state license.
My career has taken me from Afghanistan to Iraq to Microsoft. I have protected the President of Afghanistan, worked with the Secret Service to protect Vice President Cheny, many visiting US Diplomats to Afghanistan and Iraq, such as: Hilary Clinton, Sen. John McCain, and Condolezzaa Rice, Rush Limbaugh, and I have worked Corporate Executive Protection at Microsoft protecting Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer.
I do have experience instructing in the Army, as well as teaching martial arts for over 20 years, and being a certified Federal Firearms Instructor with the State Department.
Attached is my resume for review. If you are interested in speaking with me about a presently open position, or maybe one in the future, I would like to speak with you.
Thank you,
Danny Zanelotti
Requesting information on obtaining an armed guard license for the state of Louisiana.
looking for a train the trainer course, I have a guy on my staff I would like to be our trainer for or start-up company, but we need to send him to a train the trainer for class room and fire arms instructor. could your please help here in louisiana
Hello, I was interested in getting in touch with someone that can help me get started with being an armed security job here in Louisiana.
I do not have a passport. Must I get one in order to become licensed as an armed security guard in Louisiana?
Im wanting to know more about the classes and where i van go to take the classes. please be free to email me at any time. thank you
If I have a texas commission security officer armed license can I can get Louisiana license?
Im intrested in becoming a arm security guard.. what do i need to do.
I am inquiring about how I can obtain a license for private security officer training. I would also like to know if I would have to pay the fee again when I get hired by a company. Can I use the license to hire myself out as a security officer?
I already have a CCW. On the weekends I work in a shop were it would be nice to have security visible. Do I need to go this route or do you think I’m ok with what I have?
I am inquiring about security guard training in the New Orleans area.Is there anywhere in particular I can go for training.Any information would be appreciated.Thank you.
Mike Burton
My husband an I wanted to know how do we go about being security officers armed/unarmed
[…] Louisiana […]
I am currently armed doing security in Montgomery, Ala. I’m looking to relocate to New Orleans next year. can I still use my up to date armed security license there?
I am interested in get into private security